Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
Arte numerandi Ashmole 396 [2] 9
'Articuli maioris excommunicacionis' Ashmole 750 [8] 9
Articuli sancti thome cantuarensis episcopi TCD 516 [8] 25
'Artium alkamie' Cph OC 1727 [13] 10
Artycekyllys for the offys of harmys that maybe profytabell … TCD 513 [1] 25
'Ascendens ihesus ierosolimam' CCCC 336 [103] 20
'Ascendens ihesus ierosolimam assumpsit' Pem 237 [142] 18
'Ascendens ihesus in nauiculam' Pem 237 [74] 18
'Ascendente ihesu in nauiculam' Pem 237 [90] 18
'Ascensio domini' Rawl A 381 [22] 23
Ashmolean Tract Ashmole 15 (A) (=AR 4) [1] 9
Ashmolean Tract CUL Dd.10.52 [1] 19
Assumpcio beate marie virginis TCD 428 [12] 25
'Assumpsit ihesus petrum' CCCC 336 [100] 20
'Assumpsit ihesus petrum & iacobum & iohannem Pem 237 [139] 18
'Assumpsit ihesus xii discipulos' Pem 237 [94] 18
'Astrolabium' Rawl D 3 [1] 23
'At the begynnyng the prohem of the booke that is clepid … ' CUL Ll.4.3 [1] 19
At the beriall of the lady elizabeth ijde doghter to king henry vijth TCD 849 [3] 25
At the interment of the noble princesse qweyne elizabeth … TCD 849 [15] 25
At the leuacion of our lord PML M.1033 [4] 24
At the offering the fees at presentyng to the church TCD 849 [9] 25
At the takyng of holy watre say thus PML M.117 [4] 24
At thy begyninge to pray say thus kenelynge PML M.117 [5] 24
'Athansay' CUL Ee.1.10 [3] 19