Augustinus de contemptu mundi |
TCD 516 [2] |
25 |
'Austin and ambrose' |
CUL Ee.1.10 [3] |
19 |
Austyn of þe preising of psalmis |
TCD 72 [6] |
25 |
Ave Maria |
Sidney 74 [57] |
22 |
'Axiomata philosophica/ rules of phylosophye' |
Cph OC 240 [1] |
10 |
Ayenst euyl thoughtes |
PML M.1033 [12] |
24 |
'Aȝens spewing' |
Rawl C 506 [8] |
23 |
'Bacon his lookenge glasse of alchemye' |
Cph OC 1727 [6] |
10 |
'Bacon libro vj° sententiarum in iij° gradu sapiencie' |
Trinity R.14.52 [18] |
11 |
'Balme artificial' |
Trinity O.8.36 [A 66]-[A 67] |
11 |
'Balsamus regalis' |
Trinity O.8.36 [3] |
11 |
Barking Ordinale |
Oxf Un 169 [1] |
8 |
Barlaam and Iosaphat |
P'house 257 [1] |
22 |
Bartholomeus de proprietatibus rerum |
Pl 263 [1] |
24 |
'Be vij tokenes a man may suppose þat he haþe þe loue of ...' |
CUL Hh.1.12 [17] |
19 |
'Be what tokenes þou schat knowe if þou lofe þi enemy...' |
CUL Ff.5.40 [9] |
19 |
'Beati oculi qui vident que vos videtis' |
Pem 237 [68] |
18 |
Bellum catilinae |
CUL Nn.3.6 [1]-[2] |
19 |
'Benedicite' |
CCCC 142 [8] |
20 |
Benedictus |
TCD 70 [3] |
25 |
Benedictus |
TCD 72 [3] |
25 |
Benedictus |
TCD 69 [3] |
25 |
Benjamin Minor |
CCCC 385 [1] |
20 |
Benjamin Minor |
HM 127 [4] |
1 |
Benjamin Minor |
Ptb 8 [6] |
15 |