Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
'Angelus domini apparuit in sompnis ioseph' Pem 237 [238] 18
'Anlaby cartulary' Fitz 329 18
'Ann endenture of mariage' CUL Ee.5.18 [3] 19
Annales Ricardi Secundi et Henrici Quarti Rawl D 1230 [1] 23
'Anno 21 richard 2 in parliamento westministerio' Ashmole 860 [10] 9
'Anno 5 henry 6' Ashmole 860 [11] 9
'Anno domini cccc xvij …. henrici vtj' Ashmole 863 [1] 9
'Anno quintodecimo' CCCC 336 [76] 20
'Anno quintodecimo imperij tyberij cesaris' Pem 237 [115] 18
Anonymous Short English Metrical Chronicle CUL Dd.14.2 [4] 19
'Another accurtacion of raymunde' Cph OC 3500 [6] 10
'Another manner of alceracion and curtacion of raymunde' Cph OC 3500 [5] 10
Another precyous water for to clarifie yen & do awey þe perle … TCD 369 [5] 25
'Anoþer chapiter strengþinge þe sententis þat goon bi fore' CUL Ii.6.26 [8] 19
Anoþer for þe hede TCD 158 [1] 25
'Anoþer of þe same name iesu wiþ iij degrees of loue' CUL Hh.1.12 [16] 19
'Anoþer sentens schewynge þat þe peple may haue holy writ …' CUL Ii.6.26 [5] 19
'Ante diem festum' CCCC 336 [128] 20
'Ante diem festum pasche' Pem 237 [167] 18
'Ante sex dies pasche venit ihesus' CCCC 336 [125] 20
'Ante sex dies pasche venit ihesus' Pem 237 [164] 18
Antidotarium nicholai Ashmole 1438 [23] 9
Antidotarium nicholai CCCC 424 [2]-[3] 20
Antidotarium nicholai (?) Ashmole 1438 [24] 9
'Anuncioacione beate marie uirginis' CUL Dd.10.50 [25] 19