'A medysyn ffor þe colykk & þe ston' |
Caius 457/395 [59] |
17 |
A mirroure of bloodletynge' |
Emma 69 [C 1] |
22 |
'A more breve exposicion of the pater noster' |
CUL Ff.6.33 [A 49] |
19 |
A newer maner of making off oyle roset |
TCD 369 [5] |
25 |
'A noble medesyn ffor man or woman þat ... wastiþ þer naturis' |
Caius 457/395 [16] |
17 |
A noble tretys made of a good phisicien iohn of bourdewse' |
Emma 69 [3] |
22 |
'A nobyll tretys mayde of gude fisycyane iohn of burdews' |
Rawl A 429 [1] |
23 |
'A note ... howe the calcyned powders and waters … ' |
Ashmole 1450 [3] |
9 |
'A note or knowledge howe the calcined powders & waters' |
Rawl B 306 [4] |
23 |
'A ouster ruge tecches de face' |
CCCC 388 [B 5] |
20 |
'A parable of faithe, hope and charite' |
CUL Ee.2.12 [2] |
19 |
'A petition to the king and parliament' |
CCCC 296 [30] |
20 |
A petition to the king and parliament |
TCD 244 [16] |
25 |
'A pistle of holy sussanne danyel xijo capitulum' |
BL Add 10596 [29] |
5 |
'A pistle of prayer' |
CUL Kk.6.26 [1] |
19 |
'A pistyll of seynt machary' |
CUL Ff.6.33 [13] |
19 |
'A plaister for the broken hed þat hath þe bon hole' |
Rawl A 393 [1] |
23 |
'A plaistre for werkyng of þe brest' |
Rawl C 299 [16] |
23 |
'A plaster for costyfnes' |
Caius 84/166 [1] |
17 |
'A playne declaracion...' |
Ashmole 856 [9] |
9 |
'A pouder þat is called tiriaca de boys' |
Rawl C 506 [41] |
23 |
'A prayer made of the preface' |
CUL Kk.1.3 [1] |
19 |
'A precious letwary for the dry cough' |
Caius 457/395 [34] |
17 |
'A precious oynement for the hedache for the moold fallen … ' |
Caius 457/395 [41] |
17 |
'A precious powder for the stomake' |
Caius 457/395 [32] |
17 |