Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God HM 127 [1] 1
Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God Laud 23 [15] 16
Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God Trinity B.15.42 [4] 11
Contemplations of the Dread and Love of God Trinity O.1.74 [10] 11
'Content of womans vrynys' CUL Dd.10.44 [30] 19
'Contra febres' Caius 230/116 [A 13] 17
'Contra fleum' Caius 230/116 [A 13] 17
'Contra illos qui dicunt accedentem sine subiecto … ' Pem 237 [299] 18
'Contra iram' Caius 234/120 [1] 17
'Contra omnes defectus oculorum' Caius 609/340 [1] 17
Contra opilacionem splenis & epatis difficultatem vrinem PML B.17 [14] 24
'Contra paralisim' CCCC 388 [A 63] 20
'Contra pestem' Rawl C 299 [58] 23
'Contra quinaciam' CCCC 388 [A 64] 20
'Contra sciaticam & dolorem renum' Caius 190/223 [2] 17
'Contra sturuguriam' CUL Dd.11.45 [6] 19
'Contra surditatem' CCCC 388 [A 61] 20
Contra tumorem in tibijs PML B.17 [16] 24
'Conuersio sancti pauli' CUL Dd.10.50 [15] 19
'Conuersio sancti pauli' Rawl A 381 [38] 23
Convertimini (Latin exempla) Lambeth 2 [A 5] 13
'Convocatis ihesus duodecim apostolis' CCCC 336 [153] 20
'Convocatis ihesus duodecim apostolis' Pem 237 [193] 18
'Coquina de carnibus et pissibus' Douce 257 [1] 4
'Corall' CUL Ee.1.15 [9] 19