Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
Commandment CUL Ii.6.40 [8] 19
Commandment HM 148 [8] 1
Commandment Rawl A 389 [2] 23
Commandment Trinity B.15.42 [2] 11
Commandment Trinity O.1.29 [1] 11
Commentarium Magistri Bernardi Provincialis super Tabulas Salerni e Mus 52 [1] 21
Commentarium urinarum CUL Ii.6.17 [1] 19
Commentarium urinarum CUL Dd.6.29 [20] 19
Commentarius Caius 385/605 [C 18] 17
Commentary on Orison to the Name of Jesus Douce 54 [8] 4
Commentary on Six Old Testament Canticles Hatton 12 [3] 21
Commentary on the Athanasian Creed Douce 258 [2] 4
Commentary on the Ten Commandments Hatton 12 [4] 21
Comodytes of England Laud 593 [2] 16
Comparacio Wor F. 123 [2] 15
Compendium Historiae in Genealogia Christi e Mus 42 [1] 21
Compendium grammaticae Caius 593/453 [C 25] 17
Compendium grammaticae Caius 136/76 [C 10] 17
Compendium historie in genealogia cristi BodL L 33 [1] 12
Compendium medicinae BodL L 36 [2] 12
Compendium medicinae Trinity O.9.37 [4] 11
Compendium salernie' Peniarth 388 (I) [1] 14
Compendium studii theologiae Trinity O.2.15 [1] 11
Compendium studii theologiae Trinity R.14.52 [19] 11
Compendium theologicae veritatis Pem 285 [A 13] 18