Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
‘Processus magnus domini thome cantuariensis contra iohannem oldcastel' e Mus 86 [A 11] 21
‘Proficie of sybyll & merlyn' Hatton 56 [2] 21
‘Purificacio' Hatton 96 [117] 21
‘Purificacio beate marie uirginis' Hatton 96 [16] 21
‘Quatuor temporum' Hatton 96 [83] 21
‘Reuelacio anni nostri ml cccc xlviij lj super disposicione anni in' Hatton 56 [2] 21
‘Safyre is made on þis wyse' e Mus 52 [21] 21
‘Sanguinem purgant' e Mus 52 [1] 21
‘Sause for a lampray' e Mus 52 [24] 21
‘Scyence to bryng mercurij sublimatio or essencia of hym' e Mus 52 [27] 21
‘Sirus epaticus' e Mus 52 [25] 21
‘Smale byrdis istewyde' e Mus 52 [24] 21
‘Speculum uite cristi' e Mus 35 [1] 21
‘Ta mak a plaster þat is cald emplastrum plumbi' Hatton 29 [11] 21
‘The king who will find the holy cross' Hatton 56 [4] 21
‘Thes beth the commaundementis of oure lorde god idrawe oute of french' e Mus 23 [1] 21
‘Thes verses tellethe þe holye dayes of euery monethe' e Mus52 [A 10] 21
‘This acte and ordinaunce was made as here aftir apperith in this boke' e Mus 229 [1] 21
‘Thise ben þe names of þe kyng þat shall wynne þe holy crosse' Hatton 56 [4] 21
‘Thomas Canturbery' Hatton 96 [69] 21
‘To alum þy cloth' e Mus 52 [22] 21
‘To determine days when writs are due' e Mus 52 [A 8] 21
‘To distroye hayre' Hatton 29 [14] 21
‘To knowe in deuysyon when þe money schall be numerus money deuydens' e Mus 52 [16] 21
‘To make rede scarlet wateris' e Mus 52 [22] 21