Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
'The offices of the king of armes ... of the garter' Ashmole 857 [2] 9
'The offices which wer chalenged and claymed to be ... ' CUL Ee.4.37 [3] 19
'The order of creatinge of a king of armes' Ashmole 857 [1] 9
'The order of priesthood' Rawl C 880 [10] 23
'The order of sittinge of the kings heralds' Rawl B 102 [2] 23
'The ordor to resseyue a mynchon there' CUL Dd.8.2 [4] 19
The ordring of the beriall of the erlle of salisbury TCD 849 [11] 25
'The ordynaunce for chesyng of chirche wardeyns' Douce 95 [2] 4
The ordynauncee and reformation of aparell for princesses etc TCD 849 [7] 25
'The owte rentes of raufe vyne' CUL Ee.5.22 [4] 19
The palsey TCD 353 [1] 25
'The pappe' Rawl A 393 [13] 23
'The parable of the philosophers' Cph OC 1727 [12] 10
'The parcellys off clothys at fyndyrn' CUL Ff.1.6 [2] 19
The parfytt sciense of helynge of woundes browsurs and olde sores' P'house 118 [3] 22
'The parlament ... of dyuells … aboutt merlin' Ashmole 802 [2] 9
'The patent ... for the assises held in the castle of iersie' Ashmole 866 [1] 9
'The pater noster' Rawl C 881 [1] 23
'The pedegre of chalouns' Douce 291 [1] 4
'The perfite makeinge of þe fyer ageanst nature' Rawl B 306 [13] 23
'The physycall chemyck of trythemius' Cph OC 240 [2] 10
'The place of the abbasse and all the convent and of ther charters...' CUL Ll.5.18 [3] 19
'The places that folke be tormentid in by the planettis' Ashmole 210 [17] 9
'The practicke of raymund lullie' Cph OC 240 [10] 10
The practicke of sirurgerie strengthid be his theorik' P'house 118 [1] 22