'The gospel of ion' |
Rawl C 237 [1] |
23 |
'The great sentence of curse expounded' |
Rawl C 881 [13] |
23 |
'The gyfte of god' |
Trinity O.2.18 [4] |
11 |
'The heringe of the warde' |
Rawl C 68 [1] |
23 |
'The hole compound of allchimy' |
Cph OC 1784 [2] |
10 |
'The houre of the sonne' |
Ashmole 396 [12] |
9 |
'The howe of the howse' |
CUL Ll.1.11 [2] |
19 |
The iiij cardinall vertues |
Pl 258 [13] |
24 |
'The iij tykyn frydays' |
Douce 60 [9] |
4 |
'The informacion of richerd the ermyte þat he wrote … ' |
CUL Ii.4.9 [25] |
19 |
'The instruccioun of novices' |
CUL Dd.2.33 [1] |
19 |
'The intellective arte of raymunde lullie' |
Cph OC 240 [9] |
10 |
'The introductory of asschenden' |
Ashmole 396 [7] |
9 |
The ix thingys þat pleasith god most spechially |
Pl 259 [3] |
24 |
'The judgment of urine' |
Caius 451/392 [7] |
17 |
'The kalendare of brute in englyssh as here after' |
BL Add 12030 [1] |
5 |
'The kalender of the chapitres of this book ... ' |
CUL Mm.5.15 [1] |
19 |
'The kalender of this presente booke' |
CUL Mm.3.29 [1] |
19 |
'The kalender that maketh mencyoun of alle the chapettels ... ' |
CUL Hh.1.12 [1] |
19 |
'The knowlege of mynte & the vertu therof' |
Caius 457/395 [26] |
17 |
'The konnyng & sage clerke macer tretinge' |
Rawl C 81 [8] |
23 |
'The kyndes of the 12 howsys' |
Ashmole 210 [7] |
9 |
'The law of burth mayde throw king dauide macholm ...' |
CUL Kk.1.5 [4] |
19 |
'The lawe and custume off schippis' |
CUL Ee.4.21 [5] |
19 |
'The lawis extract of ye burow lawis' |
CUL Kk.1.5 [11] |
19 |