Reverse Explicit MS and Item no. IMEP volume
amen alle ʒou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe iesu lord TCD 73 [3] 25
amen alle ʒou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu Sion E.2 [1] 13
amen alle ʒou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu lord NYPL MA 66 [2] 24
amen alle ʒow wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure {of} grace þe ihesu lord Lambeth 532 [2] 13
amen alle ʒu wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace be ihesu lord þou Lambeth 369 [1] 13
amen allmyghtty god lord owre all vs bring he which þe to Sidney 55 [1] 22
amen almytty god be blissid us to cum now is it so dyosise his al owt CUL Ee.6.6 [1] 19
amen almyʒtti lord þe seiþ heritage myn israel hondis myn Sidney 99 [5] 22
amen also me & þee kepe & þee with be crist ihesu of grace Oxf Un 97 [15] 8
amen amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace Laud 182 [1] 16
amen amen amen amen amen precious blood his wiþ vs bouȝt Laud 210 [13] 16
amen amen amen amen ende haue shal neuer þat heuene of blisse TCD 241 [59] 25
amen amen amen charite endles & hope tristye feiþ verrei in Oxf NC 95 [30] 8
amen amen amen charite parfiȝt in & hope stidefast Rawl C 208 [2] 23
amen amen amen clerenes euerlastynge of cuntrey the to pees of CUL Gg.1.16 [1] 19
amen amen amen crist ihesu suet sonne blissed hire and marie Trinity O.1.29 [4] 11
amen amen amen endinge wiþoute blessede life þi of grace and e Mus 35 [1] 21
amen amen amen endyng wiþ owte blessid lyf thy of grace Oxf Bn 9 [1] 8
amen amen amen god of name the in thinges Rawl poet.121 [2] 23
amen amen amen has nede euyrmore þat place þat fra helpe ihu nede CUL Dd.5.55 [3] 19
amen amen amen regneþ & lyueþ ende wiþouten þat crist Laud 210 [7] 16
amen amen amen vs bogth þat vs brynge he ioy whilk Rawl C 285 [14] 23
amen amen amen wage large haue god of wole ȝee ȝif page ne Oxf NC 95 [132] 8
amen amen blisse endelees in þee wiþ regne moun we þat TCD 520 [15] 25
amen amen blood herte prescious moost his wiþ vs Rawl C 208 [1] 23