Reverse Explicit MS and Item no. IMEP volume
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace the ihesu York Min XVI.O.1 [1] 6
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Oxf Bn 10 [2] 8
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Oxf Ch 146 [2] 8
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Oxf Li 119 [1] 8
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Oxf NC 67 [3] 8
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Laud 361 [1] 16
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Laud 388 [4] 16
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu York Min XVI.N.7 [1] 6
amen alle ȝou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu. Rylands Eng 80 [1] 2
amen alle ȝou wiþ be criste ihesu lord oure of grace BodL L 26 [1] 12
amen alle ȝou wiþ be god of grace þe wel ȝou greetun Oxf Ch 147 [1] 8
amen alle ȝou wiþ be god of grace þe wel ȝou greten BodL L 27 [1] 12
amen alle ȝou wiþ crist ihesu lord oure of grace Rawl C 258 [1] 23
amen alle ȝou wiþ crist ihesu lorde oure of grace þe ihesu Rylands Eng 81 [1] 2
amen alle ʒou with be crist ihesu lord our of grace þe ihesu lord NYPL MA 65 [2] 24
amen alle ʒou with be crist ihesu lord oure of grace the Emma 21 [4] 22
amen alle ʒou with be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Christ's 10 [2] 22
amen alle ʒou with be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu Lambeth 1150-51 [2] 13
amen alle ʒou with be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu lord TCD 75 [3] 25
amen alle ʒou with be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu lord þou e Mus 110 [2] 21
amen alle ʒou with be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe ihesu lord þu Lambeth 25 [3] 13
amen alle ʒou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace Pl 269 [1] 24
amen alle ʒou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace the ihesu lord TCD 67 [3] 25
amen alle ʒou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe Emma 34 [5] 22
amen alle ʒou wiþ be crist ihesu lord oure of grace þe PML M.400 [2] 24