Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
'Cum venisset ihesus & discipuli' Pem 237 [218] 18
'Cum venisset ihesus in templum' Pem 237 [198] 18
Cures of metis NYPL Whitney [1] 24
'Curtacions of the metalles' Ashmole 1450 [2] 9
Curye on Inglysch Ashmole 1444 [20] 9
Curye on Inglysch Peniarth 394 [4] 14
'Customes' Ashmole 861 [5] 9
Customs of the Stews e Mus 229 [1] 21
'Custos domini sui glorificabitur ...' CUL Kk.4.24 [8] 19
'Cvm esset desponsata' CCCC 336 [37] 20
'Cvm natus esset ihesus' CCCC 336 [45] 20
'Cyrographum inter conuentum bathæ ... ' CCCC 111 [7] 20
Cyrurgia Ashmole 1468 [2] 9
Cyrurgia BL Add 10440 [1] 5
Cyrurgia BN Ang 25 [1] 7
Cyrurgia (Chauliac) Jesus Cbr Q.G.23 [1]-[8] 22
Cyrurgia (Mondeville) P'house 118 [1] 22
Cyrurgia (Mondeville) P'house 118 [3]-[4] 22
Cyrurgia (Mondeville) P'house 118 [A 22] 22
'Dame anne sustre and heir of the saide ser' Rawl D 806 [1] 23
Danyel his Dremys Ashmole 391 [3] 9
Davies's Chronicle BodL L 34 [2] 12
Davies's Chronicle NLW 21608 [1] 14
'De .x. hidis corstune' CCCC 111 [A 9] 20
'De .x. hidis corstune' CCCC 111 [A 7] 20