Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
'These conclusions ... be of þe boke of aristotil' Ashmole 210 [10] 9
'These folowing shal be slaine' NLW 3041 [11] 14
'These pardons foluyng ar wretyn in a table at rome in a ... '. CUL Ff.1.14 [1] 19
These prayers folowing ought for to be sayde or thou departe PML M.117 [1] 24
These prayers folowyng ought for to be sayd or ye departe PML M.24 [1] 24
These prayers ought to be sayd or ye departe PML M.1033 [1] 24
'Thexposiciouns of Vowels aswel of Britouns as of Saxons in dyvers parties in the Realme of Inglond' Trinity O.3.11 [12] 11
Thirty-seven conclusions TCD 246 [4] 25
Thirty-seven conclusions TCD 246 [1] 25
This boke hiʒte ypocras an of the beste surgeons þat ever was' Emma 95 [3] 22
'This booke did ipocrase send vnto sezar for a gret tresour ... ' CUL Dd.10.44 [7] 19
'This devoute prayer made the quenes grace elizabeth' Trinity O.2.53 [27] 11
'This dittie made sir walter of henley knight' Rawl B 471 [B 2] 23
'This is a determinacoun of a doctor of divinite ... ' CCCC 298 [1] 20
'This is a determinacoun of a doctor of divinite ... ' CCCC 100 [1] 20
'This is for the leuatike' CUL Dd.4.44 [35] 19
'This is seynt dionyse preyer' CUL Kk.6.26 [10] 19
'This is the name of ihesu' Rawl C 209 [19] 23
'This is the rule of st francis' Rawl C 880 [3] 23
'This medecyn ys good for the axces' Fitz 38-1950 [1] 18
'This orisoun made seynt austyn þe same day þat he dyed ... ' CUL Ii.6.43 [A 72] 19
'This sentence seiþ seinte austen' Rawl A 381 [4] 23
'This tretis compilud of a pour kaytif' Rawl C 882 [1] 23
'This ys the abbey of seint sperite that ys founded in a place ... ' CUL Ll.5.18 [2] 19
'This ys the declaracioun of xx maner of waterys' Rawl C 81 [2] 23