Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
'A woman most haue iij properetis' Rawl C 813 [5] 23
'A woman solitary and recluse' BodL L 30 [4] 12
A work of {symbol} … TCD 389 [6] 25
A work wrought and fully proved anno 1406 TCD 389 [A 8] 25
'A worke of george ripley to be added' Rawl B 306 [11] 23
'A wrytyng of machary' CUL Ff.6.33 [13] 19
ABC to the Virgin Sion E.44 [1] 13
Abbathia de spirito sancto' Jesus Cbr Q.D.4 [1] 22
Abbay du saint esprit BodL EP a.1 [12] 12
Abbey of the Holy Ghost Jesus Cbr Q.D.4 [1] 22
Abbey of the Holy Ghost BodL EP a.1 [12] 12
Abbey of the Holy Ghost CUL Dd.11.89 [2] 19
Abbey of the Holy Ghost CUL Ii.4.9 [18] 19
Abbey of the Holy Ghost CUL Ll.5.18 [2] 19
Abbey of the Holy Ghost Lambeth 432 [2] 13
Abbey of the Holy Ghost Laud 210 [19]-[20] 16
Abbey of the Holy Ghost Oxf Qu 161 [15] 8
Abbey of the Holy Ghost Peniarth 334 [1] 14
Abbey of the Holy Ghost Trinity O.1.29 [7] 11
Abbreuiacion of Cronicles CCCC 167 [1] 20
Abbreuiacion of Cronicles CUL Mm.1.44 [1]-[2] 19
Abbreuiacion of Cronicles CUL Gg.4.12 [1]–[2] 19
Abbreviata cronica ab anno 1377 usque ad annum 1469 Caius 249/277 [A 16]-[A 17] 17
'Abce of algarisme 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1' Ashmole 1404 [3] 9
'Abeuntes pharisei' CCCC 336 [169] 20