Text MS and Item no. IMEP volume
Wycliffite exposition of the Pater Noster McC 133 [2] 18
Wycliffite exposition of the Pater Noster NLW 11813 [1] 14
Wycliffite gospel of St Matthew Rawl C 883 [1] 23
Wycliffite prologue to Gospel of Matthew CUL Ee.1.13 [19] 19
Wycliffite prologue to Gospel of Matthew Laud 235 [1] 16
Wycliffite prologue to Gospel of Matthew McC 133 [1] 18
Wycliffite prologue to Gospel of Matthew Oxf Ch Allestree L.4.1 [1] 8
Wycliffite psalter TCD 72 [1] 25
Wycliffite psalter TCD 70 [1] 25
Wycliffite psalter, Prologue TCD 75 [8] 25
Wycliffite psalter, Prologue TCD 75 [5]-[6] 25
Wycliffite revision of Rolle's English Psalter and Commentary CCCC 336 20
Wycliffite revision of Rolle's English Psalter and Commentary Lambeth 34 [1]-[2] 13
Wycliffite revision of Rolle's English Psalter and Commentary Trinity B.5.25 [1] 11
Wycliffite sentences from scripture Hatton 111 [2] 21
Wycliffite sermon cycle CCCC 336 20
Wycliffite sermon cycle CUL Ii.1.40 [1]-[2] 19
Wycliffite sermon cycle Douce 321 [1]-[4] 4
Wycliffite sermon cycle Douce 53 [1]-[2] 4
Wycliffite sermon cycle Lambeth 1149 [1]-[278] 13
Wycliffite sermon cycle Lambeth 392 [4] 13
Wycliffite sermon cycle Laud 314 [1]-[2] 16
Wycliffite sermon cycle Pem 237 18
Wycliffite sermon cycle Rylands Eng 412 [7] 2
Wycliffite sermon on John x.1 Pem 237 [191] 18