A breife treatise called the clowd in which are contained many high |
Amp 42 [1] |
6 |
A broþire asket sant antonyus what schall i do to plese gode ande |
HM 148 [12] |
1 |
A cement for glasse or to make a mowld of take hard chese |
Trinity O.2.18 [1] |
11 |
A cercle that ys colovryt bryght blu yeue yt tremell |
Oxf AS 81 [6] |
8 |
A certeine noble and mightie kinge had three doughters whose names |
CUL Ee.2.12 [2] |
19 |
A certeine noble and myghtie kinge had three daughters whose names |
CUL Kk.1.3 [3] |
19 |
A chapitre in science of significatours of intencioun |
Trinity O.5.26 [16] |
11 |
A chapitre in tellinge of saturni what bifalleþ of |
Trinity O.5.26 [15] |
11 |
A chare garnished for the same with vj large horsses |
TCD 849 [3] |
25 |
A charm for dere |
Laud 685 [4] |
16 |
A charm to bere aboute a mannys nekke |
Laud 685 [22] |
16 |
A charme for the wormys in an hors in nomine patris et filij |
CUL Dd.4.44 [29] |
19 |
A charme for þe fassine in þe name of þe fader and of þe sone and |
CUL Dd.4.44 [9] |
19 |
A charme for þe feueris |
York Min XVI.E.32 [2] |
6 |
A charme for þe tothache a abraham lay in þe mounte of olyuet þer |
CUL Dd.4.44 [41] |
19 |
A charme of bees a cast of brede a cast of havkes |
Lambeth 306 [31] |
13 |
A charme to staunche blood longius miles latus saluatoris |
Trinity R.14.32 [A 14] |
11 |
A circumcisio epistola þe benignite tite iijo euangelium |
NYPL MA 67 [A 7] |
24 |
A clister or ellys a supposito[..]e take a sauserfull of ony þe fert part |
CUL Ee.1.3 [6] |
19 |
A confessioun þe whic is also a preyer þat seynt brandone |
Oxf Qu 210 [1] |
8 |
A conuerse suffred many temptaciouns of the devill wherfore he |
Lambeth 432 [10] |
13 |
A craft to tak pykes tak asafetida of the |
BodL EP b.4 [1] |
12 |
A cristen mannes confessioun þe which is also |
Rawl C 699 [8] |
23 |
A crucyfyng |
PML M.893 [3] |
24 |
A curatt hadde in his perishe a paryshen rebell vnbuxum and |
Lambeth 432 [10] |
13 |