alle dystroye schal it drounkyn and wyn in |
Stockh X.90 [16] |
10 |
alle good of wysse lyke in it make may ye |
Rawl D 678 [1] |
23 |
alle helppys he for god of grace the with helpe shalle hytte and |
CUL Ii.6.17 [5] |
19 |
alle hem of gilti is he commaundementis his of oon of breking |
TCD 241 [12] |
25 |
alle hem of mekest petre likly and felawis alle |
Pem 237 [170] |
18 |
alle of mekest peter licly and felawis [sic] alle alle |
CCCC 336 [131] |
20 |
alle of mekest petir lickli & felawis alle weren þei |
Oxf NC 95 [70] |
8 |
alle of mekist petre likely and felowis alle weren þey certis |
Lambeth 1149 [241] |
13 |
alle ouer and mouþ þe in cancre þe sleeþ it wodebynde on |
York Min XVI.E.32 [20] |
6 |
alle vs bring crist which þe to heuene of blisse |
TCD 241 [45] |
25 |
alle vs bringe crist blisse & ioie whiche þe to blisse |
TCD 241 [15] |
25 |
alle ʒou wiþ be god and place eferich in pees |
Selwyn 108.L.1 [18] |
22 |
alleluia nowell syng þai sall þen & sonn þe þen bryghter |
Oxf Un 102 [2] |
8 |
allelulia nowel sing þei schall þan & |
Rawl A 381 [8] |
23 |
alleluya lord our herieth gost ich ioie of cymbals in hym herieth sonnand |
CUL Mm.6.38 [1] |
19 |
alleluya me louit loueme wol me ilouet hat me louede me loueit |
Wor F. 61 [1] |
15 |
allom burnd litlle a with pouder in it pun and sclise a in it dri |
Peniarth 165 [A 1] |
14 |
almightie god to hearte thyne vp lyft therfore |
Cph OC 240 [9] |
10 |
almiȝti god of grace the þorow peyn of out hem |
Rawl A 381 [14] |
23 |
almyghty god of grace þe thoro payne of oute þam helpid so |
Oxf Un 102 [8] |
8 |
almysdede gret a were tribulacioun þis in men counforte to |
Christ's 7 [27] |
22 |
almyȝty god on is þat son mari seynt crist ihesu |
Oxf NC 95 [137] |
8 |
almyȝty god oon is þat son maryes seynt |
Oxf Un 56 [5] |
8 |
almyʒti lord þe seiþ lond owne her in dwelle scholen þei |
Sidney 99 [4] |
22 |
almyʒti lord þe seiþ þee in ioie haue schal god þi and spoucesse þe |
Lambeth 532 [3] |
13 |