Reverse Explicit MS and Item no. IMEP volume
…yevinge demyng iuste in ryghtwisnes standith Rawl C 209 [12] 23
…yll be men crystyn trew all to Trinity O.9.22 [2]  11
…ymage þe for seyst þou þat ynouȝ opyn is it d uenerabiles Peniarth 541 [1] 14
…youre noynte a lytyll a lyme þe fro parte barke þe tyll Ashmole 1447 [9] 9
…yris take coldenes of be it if restoryth it lost voys þe Ashmole 1438 [24] 9
…yt hayryff or clyuer callyn men somme yt Oxf Li 131 [1] 8
…{case datif} the of {when and case genitif the} of formed he  Wor F. 123 [2] 15
…{gretely} ne{des} þe þat thynk me contemplacioun to com to gretely CUL Dd.5.64 [7] 19
…{signes} fuyry in planetes of coniunccioun of but made  Trinity O.5.26 [28]  11
…þat feynyt clerk þis methologiarum methus Wor F. 10 [4] 15
…þat he is blessid swiftly come y lo and soonce don be to Trinity B.10.20 [2] 11
…þat heremite richard for praie and god þanke good þe Digby 18 [2] 3
…þat hym to but fleishly is which coote defoulid þilke Ashmole 1517 [2] 9
…þat off ys man a off myddyll the endyng thyn    Sion E.1 [1] 13
…þat pene þe blaw and cofyne þe and lide þe betwyx Trinity O.1.13 [26]  11
…þat seye to is þat seyntis of comunynge CCCC 336 [33] 20
…þat world þe of name a haue schulden seruantis goddis  Oxf He 4 [8] 8
…þat worth good of or wyn whyt of galennys yn to þer do Douce 87 [1] 4
…þat þus arguen þat men we ȝyue for feble to is reson þis  Oxf He 4 [3] 8
…þay all off prowt be haue i thus fortayne off Rawl D 328 [16] 23
…þe & men wisse of wordis þe expownyng & parable a  Oxf Ch 147 [2]  8
…þe al whenne awey goþ whyche þe sybnysse euery to felaw Ashmole 1397 [3] 9
…þe endis fyues þe þer signe last the in and signes Digby 67 [3] 3
…þe god anentis volet eius viam et dirigentur hominis Laud 210 [5]  16
…þe in apere þay if woman and man in bothe goute þe Digby 29 [12] 3