Reverse Explicit MS and Item no. IMEP volume
worlde the all in be may that lvne best the be schall yt and Trinity R.14.45 [11] 11
worlde the all of worthie most accompt we whom them by last NLW 3041 [39] 14
worlde the all thorowe halowed be schuld day thys þat pope the of Lambeth 72 [58] 13
worlde the all throught ordre austyns saynt of place any to Ashmole 750 [30] 9
worlde the all to light of lanterns be shal they NLW 441 [3] 14
worlde the of savyour the crist ihesu sadlye prechedyst thowe Lambeth 72 [69] 13
worlde this leve must he last the at but goode so ne Digby 185 [4] 3
worlde this of onclennes and faylyng thynge loue hym make to and CUL Ff.5.45 [15] 19
worlde to world from empyre and blysse by Selwyn 108.L.1 [2] 22
worlde þe all ouer halowyde was so and rome of corte þe to in CUL Dd.10.50 [6] 19
worlde þe aȝhenbouȝt hast þou cros holy þin be for þe blese Oxf Un 179 [19] 8
worlde þe of ȝeres of reuoluciouns of famous and certeyn Trinity O.5.26 [25] 11
worlde þis of lady þe was so for homly & meke be to Oxf NC 95 [5] 8
worldes of worldes þe al be god reynest & leuist þat pete Oxf Un 179 [6] 8
worldes þe in anhyed & glorious & herying of ful & TCD 69 [2] 25
worldes þe in sede his to & habraham faderis oure to spake TCD 69 [3] 25
worldis in ouerheȝed & glorious & preysable Oxf Un 56 [4] 8
worldis into enhaunsid aboue & glorious & preisable & heuene TCD 72 [2] 25
worldis into seed his to and abraham to fadris BL Add 10596 [3] 5
worldis into seed his to and abraham to fadris oure TCD 72 [3] 25
worldis of world þe in regneþ and liueþ þat god Jesus Cbr Q.G.23 [8] 22
worldis of world þe to in lord oure of name Oxf Ex 49 [1] 8
worme red þe ys hest the but after yere þe all mothes and Ashmole 1444 [22] 9
wormod est id abseintium ensuam uertuȝ les ouek Rawl C 607 [C 4] 23
wormwode anglice lumbricorum semen accipe Jesus Cbr Q.D.4 [A 20] 22