Reverse Explicit MS and Item no. IMEP volume
ware ryot ware tre to tre with chambers lades of Rawl D 328 [16] 23
ware wel riȝht be dayes þes all of xvj þe and xv þe vj þe Trinity O.1.13 [7] 11
ware well be þerfore and conseyle but do els nott may i P'house 118 [11] 22
warentise on folwyng ȝere next ye alle hym to hele gret be xalle HM 1336 [9] 1
waris schal it and yerwith sore ye gres and CCCC 388 [2] 20
wark þys to longes sayd afor alkali sal of makyng þe but Cph OC 248 [7] 10
warke phelosophers þe of ende þe is þat redenes laste þe of dominacion CUL Kk.6.30 [5] 19
warke the fordo shall it & cheke thi to it bynd Rawl A 393 [4] 23
warm drincke to pouder this of quantite a him giue wein this with Peniarth 369 [9] 14
warm lew vynegre with ytempered garlek drynk day ferþe Laud 553 [32] 16
warme all þerof sponful v tyme every at first morne at and Trinity O.2.49 [A 54] 11
warme blode yt drynk & endyve off water Oxf CCC 265 [1] 8
warme dronk be hit let and water conduyt with togeder them boyle PML G.9 [3] 24
warme it drynk & it strayne mornyng the in & Rawl C 299 [3] 23
warme melk fastyng hit drynk & aweye be parties two þe Laud 553 [32] 16
warme mylke yt with wonde the was so vessell clen BL Add 12056 [3] 5
warme nedefull seme shall it as ofte as it vse then and Trinity R.14.32 [26] 11
warmed ale halpeny iij ale stale with it drinke and sotile togedyr Lambeth 306 [16] 13
warmyde butir maye litil a vithe wille ȝe vethyr wine or ale warme in CUL Dd.4.44 [39] 19
warner good a asker goode a Laud 111 [A 7] 16
warner goude bidder goude to Laud 568 [A 37] 16
warntyse on se euere schal he yf god of grace þe by se schal Rylands Lat 201 [1] 2
warre well be þerfore and conseile but do ellis nat may I ende NYAM 13 [2] 24
was he so & leve i þat whyll pylgrym Caius 168/89 [44] 17
was it euere as bright as be shall it and þerwith spottys Trinity O.1.65 [28] 11