Reverse Explicit MS and Item no. IMEP volume
s{uffr}ed god euer þat world þis in lawis al of P'house 69 [6] 22
t w magistrum secundum yt vse to for comforthe Caius 190/223 [9] 17
table his at kingis the of grome a sett to knyght a for rebuke no Peniarth 394 [5] 14
table his at kings the of groome a set to knighte Rawl B 102 [4] 23
tabredyne non suffreth it be noon yf and hedyng newe be it Trinity O.1.65 [14] 11
take lore f\yndys/ þe and forʒete is lore þis but \dowe/ Lambeth 1149 [119] 13
take … mete his ete and hole be shall he houres ij within and ete NYU 104 [3] 24
taken lore fendis þe and forȝeten is lore þis CCCC 336 [10] 20
takyng cold of being humores qwycke and water of full mares the in CUL Dd.10.44 [30] 19
tales anglia habet presules chesse\ter/ raw\cester/ nor\wiche/ wor\ceter/ wyn\chester/ CCCC 456 [A74] 20
talkyng blissid and prayer in way har forth went BodL ET c.58 [1] 12
tangere me noly callide it þerfor & euyl the take may Oxf Mg 221 [A 29] 8
tapers her offer and chappel ther to come to she daie third TCD 518 [1] 25
tarcan cald is shield inglissh in glas cald is tunge briton Trinity O.3.11 [12] 11
tarre with it medle and þerof take and bore a of gele in it Trinity O.1.65 [26] 11
tastyng and smellyng seyng heryng towchyng euell and good Trinity R.3.21 [1] 11
tastynge smellynge goynge herynge seynge Laud 685 [12] 16
tayle the att or ȝere the at other blode them lett Laud 598 [2] 16
te laudabunt seculorum secula in domino tua domo in Wor Q. 15 [2] 15
techen & holden þei lawe whos fend þe of CCCC 336 [23] 20
techen & holden þey lawe whos fend þe of Pem 237 [290] 18
teching of & liif of lawe þe to and commaundementis TCD 75 [14] 25
techynge philosoris any in þanne gospel þe in preisid betere vertuis CUL Ii.6.26 [3] 19
teerys constreynythe and bloode of flux stoppethe yt flesshe hyghe CUL Ee.1.15 [9] 19
teht þi etis þat wormis þe se sal þou Caius 451a/750 [1] 17