Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
'A good medicyn aganst pestilence in tyme of seknes' Rawl A 393 [27] 23
'A good potage dayly' Rawl D 251 [5] 23
'A good water for the cankyr in a mannys lyppys' Caius 457/395 [73] 17
'A goode diete for the monyth of may' CUL Dd.10.44 [5] 19
'A goode lax' Rawl C 299 [57] 23
'A goode laxatyf' Rawl C 299 [58] 23
'A goode prayer ayenste þe pestelence' CUL Dd.6.1 [A 15] 19
'A goode rewle of þe conuersyoun of seynt paule' Brogyntyn II.1 [4] 14
'A gud oynement for the palsee' Caius 84/166 [1] 17
'A gude chapiter namyde dyabesse the whyche is clepede rebus' CUL Kk.6.30 [2] 19
'A gude purgacyon' Ashmole 1438 [15] 9
'A guift ... to ... edward prince of wales ...' Ashmole 865 [34] 9
'A harlatt a hunter & a hore' Rawl C 813 [6] 23
'A hors of gode entail' Douce 291 [4] 4
'A hotchepotche' Ashmole 1423 [3] 9
'A judgement vppone phesick' Ashmole 210 [13] 9
'A kalender of the charter of london' Trinity O.3.11 [5] 11
'A kalendere wiþ a reule þat techiþ to fynde þe gospels ... ' CUL Ll.1.13 [2] 19
'A ladder of foure ronges by the which men mowe wele … ' CUL Ff.6.33 [12] 19
'A lamentacion þat þe lawes staturis and custummes of ...' CUL Ii.6.26 [10] 19
'A letanye of oure ladi þat seynt anselm made' CUL Ff.6.55 [3] 19
'A letwary for the brest & for the hart' Caius 457/395 [34] 17
'A litel boke of doctrine for ionge gentilmen' Rawl D 328 [12] 23
'A litill tretise ayence flesshly affeccions' Rawl C 894 [14] 23
'A lytell shorte tretyse . . . of the tribulation' Douce 322 [10] 4