Titles MS and Item no. IMEP volume
100 Meditations e Mus 160 [2] 21
100 Meditations e Mus 111 [1] 21
'3 þyngis medicinale' Caius 176/97 [12] 17
'5 viniuerselez' Caius 176/97 [A 4] 17
'7o condycyouns ' Trinity O.5.31 [8] 11
'A prinspal & a passyng & a trewe medisyn ffor a man … ' Caius 457/395 [66] 17
'A B C' Trinity O.2.18 [3] 11
A Myrour to Lewde Men & Wymmen Rawl A 356 [1] 23
A bath to drawe out evyll humoris' Rawl C 48 [2] 23
'A bok of contemplacioun the wich is clepid þe clowde … ' CUL Ii.6.39 [2] 19
'A boke of contemplacion þe whiche is called þe cloude … ' CUL Kk.6.26 [7] 19
'A boke of gode medicines proued wiþ gode clerkes ... ' CUL Dd.5.76 [4] 19
'A boke þat is callyd speculum spiritalum the myrrour of spirituall persones' CUL Ff.6.33 [4] 19
A boke þe whyche because of hys excelence ys cleped ffilia principis' P'house 118 [2] 22
A book of a clerke þat was apposed of fyue þingis' Rawl C 208 [2] 23
'A book þe ricard of seynt victore maad ... ' CUL Ii.6.39 [4] 19
'A breve exposicion of þe pater noster' CUL Ff.6.33 [4] 19
A calender of alle þe gospels þat ben red in chirche Pl 268 [1] 24
A calender wiþ a reule þat techeþ to fynde þe gospels pistlis and lessouns' Emma 34 [1] 22
'A chapitle taken oute of a boke cleped toure of alle toures ... ' CUL Ff.5.45 [6] 19
'A charme ageynes þeues' CUL Dd.6.29 [16] 19
'A charme for þe fassion' CUL Dd.4.44 [A 3] 19
'A charme for þe trenches' CUL Dd.4.44 [A 5] 19
A charme to staunche blood NYAM 14 [4] 24
'A charter of remissioun' CUL Ii.6.40 [7] 19