Reverse Explicit MS and Item no. IMEP volume
explicit moone the or sonne þe as fier more with yt molte Ashmole 1416 [2] 9
good verye be it shall then sonday a vppon fallithe lorde Ashmole 1416 [5] 9
gracias deo golde shalbe all and molten syluer of partes Ashmole 1416 [8] 9
credo non sed scribitur vt est probatum syluer good coper Ashmole 1416 [9] 9
sanglimeers johannem per sameers johannem per probatum et Ashmole 1417 [1] 9
dastine johannis visionis finis amen him of orchard the in Ashmole 1421 [1] 9
explicit confido domino in wyll and desyer þi all haue shalt Ashmole 1423 [11] 9
god be blissed mountfort thomas me per 1596 anno marche of Ashmole 1423 [1] 9
silver verye of color the of be wil yt and tymes 4 or 3 Ashmole 1423 [2] 9
1474 year þe in auctor myne saythe as wrytten was yt luminum Ashmole 1423 [4] 9
etc holocausti victimam prouidebit deus et wyndow a in cowle Ashmole 1423 [5] 9
will þou forme what into yt caste may þou yt of cowlinge the Ashmole 1423 [6] 9
beatum finem christus det inceptum opus gratias deo wylt þou Ashmole 1423 [9] 9
work his holandus isacke doth as bodye the of infirmityes Ashmole 1424 [1] 9
englishman 1384 god lord our of yeare the in lived who Ashmole 1424 [2] 9
ripley george by complied alkamye of marrowe the of forth Ashmole 1424 [3] 9
finis etc distille then ounces 6 waye it that looke and Ashmole 1426 [1] 9
better the be wil it oyntementes same the of parte a with Ashmole 1432 [1] 9
benethe puregacioun a make wyll drynk and strenyde and ale Ashmole 1432 [2] 9
…s þe wryte do and sayd fore be is þat fynger þe of blood Ashmole 1432 [4] 9
…antyoch of drynke make to for and hele not will and opyn Ashmole 1432 [5] 9
…cotidian ffeuer þe ffor goode ys more þe þat ys herbe Ashmole 1432 [6] 9
probatur commyth yt off þer fo brayne þe to ren maye yt þat Ashmole 1432 [7] 9
yonglyche þe make wyll yt and ffloure þe off bathe a make Ashmole 1432 [8] 9
growe to here make to ffor hole be shallt þou and with þer Ashmole 1432 [9] 9